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Preparing for an Executive Interview


Do you dread going on auditions for jobs? Do you get a total mental block when potential employers ask questions or do the mere mention of the word “interview” send shivers of dread down your spine?

Interviewing for jobs is unavoidable in most people’s professional lives, and they tend to dread the process more than they should.

Candidates who have the best results in this arena are those who have the right mindset when they approach the interviewing process. Imagine a successful CEO going into an interview with low confidence, worried about their credentials, and stressed out about how they might answer questions.

Most people who are looking for work, however, get stuck on the question, “What if I do a poor job interviewing?”

What if I don’t have the qualifications they’re looking for?

Many job seekers feel like they are defending themselves in an interview, rather than demonstrating how their career assets can benefit a prospective employer, and this is the wrong strategy – it’s all about attitude adjustment.

Here are some insider tips straight from the playbook of CEO interviews on how to sell yourself as the best applicant for the job:

1) Construct an alternate frame of mind for dealing with interview situations.
There is no such thing as a bad interview experience; what you do with it decides how well the next one goes.

How often do you reflect on an interview and think, “I could have answered that question better.”? The key is to write down the question and add it to your interviewing arsenal so you can nail it the next time. This has been an excellent way for me to reflect on my answers and determine whether or not they were sufficiently strong and relevant to the interviewer’s questions.

Two) Recognize your worth.

To begin reshaping your interview attitude, you need to understand and be centered on your value. What do you offer that the competition doesn’t? Why should the employer hire you over the next person standing in line? The resume development process is a good way to work this out. Building value statements and showing action then results really provides a hiring manager a good roadmap of what you are able to accomplish.

(3) Investigate the matter thoroughly.

Another method to feel more at ease during the interview is to study the company. The more you know about the company, the more you’ll understand the corporate culture and history, which will impress the interviewer.

Some employers have questioned me, “What do you know about us?” and I’ve had to dig deep to uncover their perspectives, concerns, challenges, and opportunities.

And “What makes you think you’re qualified for this position?

When answering this type of question, the more information you have about the company, the more prepared you appear, which plays to your competence and gives you the boost in self-confidence that can propel you to the top candidate. Plus, it feels pretty awesome to knock an employer’s socks off with some obscure fact about their company they would never have guessed that you knew!

4) Use a narrative to illustrate your argument.

Providing static, robotic, and formulaic answers to questions doesn’t give employers any insight into your approach, experience, resourcefulness, or expertise. However, responding to interview questions and providing concrete, highly relevant answers that demonstrate your ability to execute job duties in the form of a story are probably the most effective ways to impress your interviewer.

Consider the questions you might be asked in an interview and practice answering them. Brainstorm examples of times you successfully addressed challenges or made an impact at previous employers; these will serve as your “story elements” in the interview.

Make time to hone your public speaking skills.

Toastmasters International is a great place to gain confidence in front of an audience and hone your public speaking skills if the prospect of an interview makes you nervous.

Overall, CEOs walk into interviews brimming with confidence, ideas, and optimism; you can, too! The truth is, you are the CEO of Yourself, Inc. You are a unique sum of your experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities, and changing your perspective on job interviews can transform the process from one you dread into one you look forward to.

Get out there and astonish the interviewer at your next chance!

CTP and CMP, Dawn Rasmussen
Support for Writers and Professionals on the Job
PO Address 20536
97294 Portland, Oregon
503-539-3954 phone
503-408-4894 fax


A well-written résumé can help you get ahead in your chosen field.

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

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