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How Long Can Your Appleton Divorce Take?


A divorce can get complex. Splitting up the assets acquired and accumulated by two spouses throughout their marriage is usually challenging. How long your divorce can take depends on several factors. But having Appleton divorce attorneys on your side can give you peace of mind that you are doing the right things. 

The amount of time necessary can be significant, from filing the divorce paperwork to signing the final documents. It can be hard to estimate how long your divorce will take without knowing the particulars. Each divorce is different, and a lot of factors impact the outcome. Also, some issues can arise and slow down the divorce process. 

The Waiting Period in Wisconsin

There is a 120-day waiting period in Wisconsin after you file a divorce petition before the family court finalizes your divorce. And this is usually for the most uncontested divorce, where spouses agree on everything and have nothing left to deal with. But it can take longer when certain matters are disputed.

Property Division

Divorce can significantly affect your financial future. Thus, it would help if you took the time to ensure things were going right for you. If no significant assets are involved in your divorce, the process can go smoothly and quickly. However, if you and your spouse share substantial assets and obligations, your divorce can become complicated and take a long time to be finalized. 

In Wisconsin, community property is divided fairly between the two spouses. This also applies to marital debt. Judges consider how long you have been married, the level of need, and financial standing. 

Child Custody

Do not assume that custody of children always belongs to the mother. Although this is the perception, the courts do not favor one parent over the other. They always keep the best interests of the children involved in mind. You and your spouse can agree on child custody on your own. However, even if you determine a deal that works for both of you, a judge must sign a parenting plan.

This document addresses custody matters and lays out specific details. The parenting plan must outline the child’s residence, the amount of decision-making you possess, the amount of time you spend with your kid, the influence you have on your child’s upbringing, and more. The more complicated your situation is, the longer it can take to resolve all issues. 

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